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中秋节快乐 英语


中秋节快乐 英语(合集四篇)。


中秋节快乐 英语 篇1

On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, our whole family went to the moat to enjoy the moon.

Todays moon seems much brighter than at any other time. The moon is so beautiful! It looks like a white jade plate and a Yaotai mirror. Looking at it, I seemed to see the shadow of Change and jade rabbit. They played in the Moon Palace, and their laughter spread all over the Moon Palace. I also want to fly up and play with them, ask the ancient story of Change, touch the furry fur of the jade rabbit, and see what the beautiful moon palace is like. Also, why does Change fly to the moon... Ah, I have a lot of questions to ask. If I say, I cant say it for three days and three nights.

Looking at the bright moon, I seem to see my grandmother who I think about day and night. She is still so kind and kind; And my sister, who is always so naughty, fights with me every day... I wonder if they are the same as me, looking at a full moon and missing their relatives in the distance. Hey, I miss my family twice during the holidays!! May lovers in the world get married and no longer suffer from this parting!

中秋节快乐 英语 篇2

Mid-autumn Day is one of the important traditional festivals with beautiful tales in China. On that day, almost everyone gets together with his or her family, eating mooncakes, chatting and watching the moon. Everyone is very happy on the Mid-autumn night.

When I was young, I could always have a cheerful Mid-autumn Day. However, as the things I should do were becoming more and more, I gradually(渐渐地) didnt have enough time to enjoy the festival. Every time, I just stand on the balcony and eat a mooncake, and that is all of the festival!

On the Mid-autumn Day this year, our teacher, my classmates and I had a meaningful party in the classroom. Our teacher gave each of us a small mooncake which she bought the day before when it rained heavily. In order to keep the mooncakes dry, she was all wet when she got home. Our teacher poured all of her love to us onto the little mooncakes! Afterwards, we ate the lovely mooncakes, and at the same time, some students performed the beautiful tale of Change. We were all so happy that we laughed and sang.

This is the most meaningful Mid-autumn Day Ive ever had.

中秋节快乐 英语 篇3

If I want to say I like festivals, there are many: Labor Day, national day can go out to travel, childrens day on June 1 can be Carnival in school, and on Halloween, I can go with my classmates for gifts If you like it best, it should be the Lantern Festival.

Yesterday was a traditional Chinese festival, the Lantern Festival on the 13th day of the first month. Previously, on the 13th day of the first month, I used to play lights and play games with my friends in the munity. This year, my mother proposed to go to Longchuan square. My father and I agreed very much, so we drove off. Before the five-star appliances, we can see that there are countless small bright spots in the sky ahead. Strange, what is it? Take a closer look, it turns out that the "Kongming lamps" are very bright against the background of the night. With the help of the wind, they sway gently, just like fireflies dancing with the wind. They are really beautiful. I got off the bus in Longchuan square with great excitement. Wow, its really lively. There are people selling Kongming lanterns, fireworks and playing with each other. It seems that we didnt waste the trip.

"Kongming lamp" flew to the sky one by one, watching me itch in my heart, pestering my father to buy one, and my mother expressed support. So I took the money and rushed to pick out a red Kongming lamp. After taking apart, I fixed the burner, ignited the fuel, and then stepped on the steel ring of the lamp to let it gather gas and generate heat. Five minutes later, Kongming lamp has been fully opened. The three members of our family cooperate with each other, holding the bottom of the lamp and slowly lifting it upward. When the time is right, we will let go. I prayed silently in my heart: "I must go up, this is my first time playing Kongming lamp." Kong Ming Deng seems to hear my call, with the wind rising slowly, I hastily make a wish with my hands together. Kong Ming Deng carries my wish to fly higher and farther.

How interesting this festival is, nervous, excited and excited. This is my favorite festival. How about you? 要我说喜欢的节日,那还真不少:劳动节、国庆节可以出去旅游,“六一”儿童节可以在学校里狂欢,万圣节可以与同学结伴去串要礼……如果说最喜欢的,应该算是元宵节了。

昨天是中国的传统节日——正月十三上灯节,以前正月十三都是在小区里和伙伴们一起玩灯做游戏,今年妈妈提议去龙川广场逛逛,我和爸爸非常赞同,于是开车出发。还没到五星家电,我们就看到前方天空中有无数个小亮点在闪烁,奇怪,什么东西啊?仔细一看,原来是“孔明灯”在夜晚的衬托下,它们显得格外明亮,在风的协助下轻轻晃动,如同一个个萤火虫随风起舞,煞是好看。我怀着无比冲动的心情在龙川广场下了车。哇,真热闹啊,有卖孔明灯的,有放礼花的,有结伴玩灯的。看来,我们不枉此行啊。 “孔明灯”一个一个飞上了天,看着我心里直痒痒,缠着爸爸也买一个,妈妈表示支持,于是我拿了钱兴冲冲地挑了一个红色的孔明灯,拆开后,我先将燃器固定好,然后点燃燃料,再用脚踩住灯的钢圈,让它聚气,产生热量。五分钟后,孔明灯已完全撑开,我们一家三口互相配合,托着灯的.底部,慢慢地向上抬,等时机成熟,我们一起松手。我在心里默默祈祷:“一定要升上去呀,这可是我第一次玩孔明灯。”孔明灯好似听到了我的呼唤,随着风儿缓缓升起,我连忙双手合十许愿,孔明灯载着我的愿望越飞越高,越飞越远。


中秋节快乐 英语 篇4

Chusok (“fall evening”) is a Korean “Harvest Moon” (Han-gawi) festival set on the 15th day of the eighth lunar moon.Chusok (韩国中秋节), also known as the Korean Thanksgiving or Mid-Autumn Festival,is one of the most celebrated Korean holidays.It occurs during the harvest season.Thus,Korean families take this time to thank their ancestors for providing them with rice and fruits.

The celebration starts on the night before Chusok and ends on the day after the holiday.Thus,many Korean families take three days off from work to get together with family and friends.

The celebration starts with a family get-together at which rice cakes called “Songphyun” (蒸糕) are served.These special rice cakes are made of rice,beans,(www.fwsir.com)sesame seeds,and chestnuts.Then the family pays respect to ancestors by visiting their tombs and offering them rice and fruits.

The Koreans visit the graves of their ancestors to bow and clean the area for the coming winter.In the evening,children wear their favorite hanbok (traditional Korean clothing) and dance under the bright moon in a large circle.They play games and sing songs.Like the American Thanksgiving,Chusok is the time to celebrate the family and give thanks for their blessings.

Community activities include masked dance,Kanggangsuwollae,an ancient circle dance,tug-of-wars and the tortoise game,kobuk-nori (乌龟游戏), in which two men dress as a tortoise and tour the villagedancing and performing for food and drink.Most of all,Ch'usok is a time to give thanks for the autumn harvest and reaffirm familial and community ties.